If you don't know what a Pangolin is, you should watch the short video below.
This mammal is clad in scaly armor to defend himself from predators, which actually works really well against lions. However, there is a nastier predator out there just waiting to kill them for their scales and meat.
I'm talking about humans.
"We keep them alive in cages until the customer makes an order. Then we hammer them unconscious, cut their throats and drain the blood. It is a slow death. We then boil them to remove the scales. We cut the meat into small pieces and use it to make a number of dishes, including braised meat and soup. Usually the customers take the blood home with them afterwards." - Chef interviewed by The Guardian (2007)
We are killing off the Pangolins. We kill them because we desire their scales and meat. Most of the poached pangolins are sent to Southeast Asia and China. We are destroying their homes as well through deforestation. These cute little guys are being destroyed and most people don't even know they're there.
Dire news for the Pangolins... a species we are losing rapidly
Quick Facts
Scientific Name: Manis pentadactyla
Unknown lifespan in wild (~20 years in captivity)
Nocturnal creatures
Head-body length 42-92 cm
Tail length 28-35 cm
Weight 2-7 kg
They don't have teeth!
They are bipedal
1 birth per pregnancy
Babies ride on their mother's tails despite being able to walk
Fathers have been seen sharing burrows with the female and offspring
Although they look very similar to armadillos and anteaters and were once thought to be a part o the magnorder Xenartha, genetic tests have placed them into the magnorder Epitheria, superorder Ferae, and into their own order Pholidota, which is most similar to the order Carnivora. They are the so unique that the closest relatives are all extinct. This animal is the last of it's kind on the Earth and with so few remaining I don't see them being able to hang on very much longer.
As stated in the video above, these creatures are relatively unknown. We've seen them eat ants and termites, but we don't know their diet completely. Their range is not completely known either, because they are difficult to find and their tracking tags fall off or get broken. Below is the where Chinese Pangolins are believed to be.
Tail length 28-35 cm
Weight 2-7 kg
They don't have teeth!
They are bipedal
1 birth per pregnancy
Babies ride on their mother's tails despite being able to walk
Fathers have been seen sharing burrows with the female and offspring
Although they look very similar to armadillos and anteaters and were once thought to be a part o the magnorder Xenartha, genetic tests have placed them into the magnorder Epitheria, superorder Ferae, and into their own order Pholidota, which is most similar to the order Carnivora. They are the so unique that the closest relatives are all extinct. This animal is the last of it's kind on the Earth and with so few remaining I don't see them being able to hang on very much longer.
As stated in the video above, these creatures are relatively unknown. We've seen them eat ants and termites, but we don't know their diet completely. Their range is not completely known either, because they are difficult to find and their tracking tags fall off or get broken. Below is the where Chinese Pangolins are believed to be.
Here's an interesting video where this pangolin's armor gets put to the test
Want to do your part to save pangolins? It’s simple.
- Don’t eat pangolins!!
- Don’t buy pangolin products: no pangolin medicine, no pangolin wine, no pangolin jewelry, no pangolin scales or leather.
- Support these organizations with pangolin conservation programs:
- IUCN-SSC Pangolin Specialist Group www.pangolinsg.org
- Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB) in Cambodia www.accb-cambodia.org
- ASEAN-WEN www.asean-wen.org
- Carnivore and Pangolin Conservation Program in Vietnam www.carnivore-pangolin.org
- Conservation International-Cambodia www.conservation.org
- Education for Nature Vietnam www.envietnam.org
- Fauna & Flora International www.fauna-flora.org
- TRAFFIC www.traffic.org
- Wildlife Alliance www.wildlifealliance.org (and donate directy to their pangolin program via theirGlobal Giving page)
- Harapan Rainforest www.harapanrainforest.org
- Tikki Hywood Trust www.tikkihywoodtrust.org
- Pangolin Research Mundulea pangolins-namibia.blogspot.com
Spread the word!!!
Tell your friends and family about pangolins!!
Or you could always find someway of "stopping" the illegal trade of pangolins.
I, however, don't condone any acts of vigilantism, but I could be persuaded to join you.
Small win for the Pangolins
if only they were alive instead...
I Choose You Sandshrew!
This is my inner nerd showing and my Pop Culture reference for this blog.
Tell your friends and family about pangolins!!
Or you could always find someway of "stopping" the illegal trade of pangolins.
I, however, don't condone any acts of vigilantism, but I could be persuaded to join you.
Small win for the Pangolins
Special thanks to:
Google Image Search: Chinese Pangolins
Youtube Search: Pangolins
I Choose You Sandshrew!
Now if we could only get you to evolve into Sandslash we'd be good to go
This is my inner nerd showing and my Pop Culture reference for this blog.